Grateful Patient: Nancy Riley

Nancy Riley started feeling shooting pains in her left leg after a trip to Hawaii. Despite eleven months of physical therapy and numerous MRIs, her pain worsened. Once an active, healthy 57-year-old, Nancy found walking difficult and discovered a nerve tumor in her spinal column. She sought out two top neurosurgeons, Dr. Paul Jackson and Dr. Stephen Ryu, who successfully removed the tumor in March 2020.

The Journey from Paralysis to Recovery

Nancy Riley started feeling shooting pains in her left leg after a trip to Hawaii. Despite eleven months of physical therapy and numerous MRIs, her pain worsened, and she struggled with a growing loss of mobility. Once an active, healthy 57-year-old who enjoyed marathons, skiing, and other sports, Nancy now found walking to her mailbox difficult. She faced the heartbreaking reality of losing the ability to participate in physical activities she loved and even hold an infant while standing. After a series of uncontrollable falls that left her bruised and frightened, a neurologist discovered a nerve tumor inside her spinal column at the base of her neck. The tumor had compromised her spinal cord to the point where she was slowly becoming paralyzed.

Nancy sought out two of the nation’s top neurosurgeons, Dr. Paul Jackson and Dr. Stephen Ryu, at Sequoia Hospital. In March 2020, they successfully removed the tumor.

Since my expert surgery, I've regained complete function and ability. I am deeply appreciative of the surgery that gave me back my life. I could return to the physical activities I love thanks to the advanced training, technology, and expertise of Drs. Jackson and Ryu and their team. With the birth of my first grandchild later this year, I am incredibly grateful to Sequoia Hospital and the robotic technology that was part of my care. It’s an honor to share my story and donate funds to help keep the Sequoia neurosurgical team at the forefront of excellence, helping other patients who need life-changing surgery.